Second World War

World War II 1939 to 1945

On 3 September 1939 Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies announced the beginning of Australia’s involvement in the Second World War on every national and commercial radio station in Australia.

Almost a million Australians, both men and women, served in the Second World War.

No.Item NameDescriptionVic Collections
1Clothing Ration Book / CouponsTo help the war effort most things were rationed. The appropriate number of tickets were required to purchase goods.more information
2A.M.F. Operation Ration TinThis ration pack was developed by Sir Stanton Hicks. It contained three meals, each waterproofed (a vital consideration for the tropics), which offered a balanced selection of meat, vegetables, fruit and vitamin supplements.more information
3Record of Service BookThis book serves as proof of the fact that the bearer has performed the services required to fit him for the defence of his country.more information
4Eyeshields, Anti-Gas, MK.II.Safety Eyeshields which were issued to protect the eyes from liquid irritant sprayed from enemy aircraft during WWII.more information
5Australian Army Soldiers Sewing KitThis kit is just one of many different brands of sewing kit – issued to Australian troops during the Second World War.more information
6WWII Identity CardThis type of card was issued to British subjects who were civilians. During World War II everyone in Australia was issued with a personal identity card and was required to report changes of address to the government.more information
7PutteesA puttee is a cloth band that was wound round a soldier’s leg from their ankle to their knee. They were designed to provide support when walking and protect against harsh weather conditions. The puttee also prevented debris and water from entering the boots or pants.more information
8New Testament Bible WWIIThis bible was issued to men and women on active duty during WWII. more information
9WWI Badge for Women
Blue Enamel Badge
Female Relative Badges were issued to the nearest female relative (usually wives or mothers) of those who engaged in active service overseas during the First and Second World Wars.more information
10WWII Badge for Women
Silver Badge
This Military Medal was given to the wives and mothers of Australian Soldiers serving during World War 2 1939-1945more information